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this could use an headpat option when she's friendly,or some similar interactions


What key do I press to pause the game?

the esc key 

Oh ok, thanks

THIS WAS AN INSANE UPDATE AND IM HERE FOR IT! Honestly really enjoyed this play through of it. I LOVED being able to basically have her tag along.... at a distance... and still be able to kind of safely look through all the rooms (lol I feel like I was totally playing it wrong by basically never hiding from her) Honestly one of my most favorite things to do is to BE the yandere, give her my voice, and pretend to be insane with her! Unfortunately I got the bad ending, but I plan on trying again soon for the good ending!

One problem I did have was not being able to find the last key, I played through it twice, and I still couldn't find the last key (also one of my play throughs I couldn't find the shoes either) I'm sure it was just me being stupid but I just wanted to say something in case it was a glitch. 

Anyways, great update and I can't wait to see what comes next! 😊


Review em português aqui :) ; 

No começo eu estava um pouco pé atrás com a premissa de um jogo de terror onde o inimigo é uma menina Yandere ( não é o tipo de conceito que me interesse muito) , porém me impressionei com o jogo ao longo da gameplay. O modo como Saiko interage com o ambiente (quebrando janelas, te empurrando de escadas, se escondendo nas esquinas das paredes) é muito natural e inteligente, sendo muito mais que um granny clone . Não cheguei a terminar o jogo com essa única gameplay de 3 tentativas, mas o jogo realmente ganhou minha atenção e vou tentar fugir dessa escola uma próxima vez. 


é bem difícil no começo, mas depois que você vai jogando e pensando fica fácil.

Here is my gameplay of My ex... Retina so please help me!!!

Oh yea... Awesome game,  can't wait till it's done!


This game does a great job, please keep working hard! Come on!

There have been instances where cycling between a room key and a 'choke event' key causes the latter to become a copy of the former (Ex: I got locked in room C3 by Saiko, find a key for B2 and switch between them, which leads to the C3 key becoming another B2 key).

Likewise, there are other instances where switching between 2 room keys can cause both to disappear but still work on said doors as if you were carrying either key.

This game is a little difficult for me, so I never focus on getting the key. All I do is mess around with the AI lol. I'm playing the 2.0.1 build where Saiko has split personalities. I think she's really cute LMAO. 

(3 edits)

If you hear her say "Sorry", you can turn back around and have her follow you in her 'happy' mode where she won't desperately try to stab you (She literally just follows you harmlessly, gasps with her hands on her cheeks when you spot her and hugs you from behind which can lead to choking in some cases). She'll still stab you in one-stab intervals as you make a lot of progress, but that's only if you look directly at her. Just let her get away with stuff like stealing your keys and choking you out as well, since she'll still be in her 'happy' mode if you let her.

her happy mode is like my gf with less stabbing. Giving her this game to play was a bad idea as she might have that thought.

I hope by "less stabbing" you mean "none at all" O_o

And I mean at least it forces you to be a bit more aware? '^_^

Played the updated version! Nice work so far! :)
(1 edit)

This game is so fun. It gets better each time I play. Starts at 5:05.

fix a bug I can't climb the stairs in front only from my back
I'm BR and I'm using google translator, I don't know a lot of English, I'm a big fan of the project

Played it a while back and loved it, its extremely creepy especially with all the little animations she does.. youre doing a great job with the game!


Should I give the new update a go? 🤔

Definitely yes. It's a pretty large update, so I recommend you give it a try. 


I've made a comment about the 2.0.0. update already, so here I'm going to analyze the pros and cons of update 2.0.1.

Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated)):


1. 2.0.0. felt impossible to beat (which I wrote in my previous comment). This version seems to be well balanced and beatable. Tho, I haven't beat it on the vid due to the lack of time ahaha. Still, it seems possible to finish.

2. Well, now saiko gives more chances to escape. Also, if she finds the player in the locker, there's a chance that she won't insta down them as soon as she sees them anymore which is also an improvement comparing to the previous version of the game.


1. The little rooms under the stairs don't seem to be of much help in this version of the game. She can glitch through the door with no problem.

2. I feel like if you were checking all the rooms and missed 1 locker in 1 room that had a key (bad luck) - there's no way to beat the game. Maybe it would be very cool to add some hints on easy mode so people would understand how that happens and how to avoid this situation playing on more difficult levels. I haven't really noticed much difference between easy and normal at this point.

3. It's really easy to trick her into hiding behind a pillar if you are in the corridor. If you are backing away slowly and looking at her - she'll hide behind a pillar giving you more time to escape. This behavior seems very repetitive after a while. I haven't really shown it in the vid tho, but it happened during my streams on twitch a lot.


I feel that the 2.0.1. version is much better than the previous one. And the previous one was insanely good! 

Habu, you are doing such a great job and I'm happy I joined your discord channel btw (recommend everybody joining as well). I was very busy lately, but I hope to be more useful in the future! Sorry for leaving the comment here in case you see it) As this is the comment about version 2.0.1, I though it wouldn't hurt to leave my opinion here)

Hope my feedback was useful!

great game bro


New video out!

Crazy game, Thanks for the nightmares dev: 

How to Glitch Saiko and Beat the Game



hi develop habupain, how are you?  I'm going here to ask you something, if soon when the game is complete if it will be dubbed in Brazilian Portuguese, here in Brazil we like Saiko a lot, I hope your answer.

So, what exactly is the difference between easy and normal? Is Saiko more likely to have her friendly personality & easier to evade in easy mode?

(1 edit)

If I remember correctly 2 of the safe code numbers are available prior to turning on the lights, and she deals 5 damage per stab vs 10. She might move a little slower as well.


oh my god shes scary I died 44 times

Gameplay BR

Jogo bom, desafiador e difícil, mas a assassina sempre quase saber onde o personagem se esconde é muito quebrado. sem falar que ela se teleportou para trás de mim uma vez..

Love 2.0 keep em' coming! 

(1 edit)

This was an interesting game. Can't wait to see further updates.

 I got the bad ending during my first run. Check it out whenever you can :)

Lots of replay value in this game. Good job folks!

винди привет!!!


she kinda bad tho

This game manages to get scarier and better every time i play. I love it!c

will you give some hints about what next for saiko no sutoka? (sorry for the bad english im from argentina but i know some english and if its posible helping you in something for this awesome game you can tell me)

This was a very interesting game, and of course SCARY ASF!!! Needless to say I'm not familiar with yandere but I'm afraid I am no!!!


Fun little game and I loved everything about it, definitely gonna play more!!!


I adore this game! I'm super looking forward to the yandere mode, she looks adorable, and I'm a big scaredy baby so if she's more peaceful I'm totally for it, lol!

I hope you won't be making new versions for a long time. I really want to test new modes and opportunities.
I don't know much in English, so there are mistakes

You don't have to keep switching version if you don't want to lol.

will there be a 32 bit version of the game?


Loving this game.

bud, I hate the new update, no offense, I also suck at video games and can not beat hard mode. The locker thing is so weird

What do you hate about the update?

Nothing man, I am just being a dick. The AI is harder now and I was salty. I still love this game and plan on playing tons!

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