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Why was Yandere kicking my ass more than Normal.. LOL!

Oh.. This actually costs money now. Huh. Glad I downloaded it before then lmao


What do you even mean. 2.0 is always going to be free

Its 4 dollars now ??

(2 edits) (+1)

Please reread the gamepage.. 2.0 is free and 2.1+ are a one-time purchase at minimum of $4.00. You may be in a country where $4.00 isn't a justifiable price, or maybe you just can't afford it, but if you are American, It really isn't that bad of price for a game of its popularity

(1 edit)

I never said it was a bad price? I'm downright broke as I'm only 16, and I rarely ever get money to buy online items.  So I'm glad I got to get it beforehand. 


I see what you mean now, but when I made my comment the downloads were never there and the only option was to buy. Maybe it just didnt load in.


If you're talking about having v2.0.1, that build was a mere bug fixing build. 2.1+ are gonna cost $4 so you technically didn't get it beforehand as it had costed money as soon as the build was released

(2 edits) (+1)(-3)

Habupain, If you remember me, good for ya

Im asking, why you give free keys to strangers

Although,Im not annoyed .lol

(1 edit) (-3)

cause I got it free via steam key


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh , maybe you want from all to be happy???????????????!!!!!


Habu does not give steam keys to random people. He only gives them to:

People who have already bought the game on and wants it on Steam too

People who have exclusive roles on the Saiko no Sutoka discord

Saiko no Sutoka patreon supporters that donated $4 or more

There might be more but these are the ones I know of

Could I get a steam code? I purchased the game on when it was not available, thank you.


Hello you have to contact me through discord to get the key.

How do i communicate with you on discord?

불화를 어떻게 할 수 있는지 궁금합니다


You can also contact me via email.

(1 edit)

나도 스팀 키를 하고 싶습니다, 미안하지만 당신은 나에게 당신의 이메일을 말할 수 있습니까?



holy fuck stop spamming for the game to be free. you guys are annoying and pathetic.




(1 edit)

I agree but please word your sentences more nicely

Habupain, you intend to do Quick loadings for PC, Mobile, Consoles in the Full Version.


I love your game, I'm still learning Saiko's behavior ^^'

(1 edit)

i want it free.thank god i can play it on phone or pc  i have already version 2.0 (not demo)

thanks for the steam key creator!

so you cant put it lol :P

I have taken the steam key

glad you manage to get it :P

(1 edit)

Thanks for adding Polish language

Btw if i receive steam key and Steam page still does not exist's, can i get it still?

asking because wanna play it on steam (i have an version)


well the game is back on steam already . incase you dont know

I know that the steam version is back but,  idk how to buy it without steam page :/

and by posting this comment i wanted steam key bruh

because yea, i have version and i have steam too and i prefer steam than


please put it freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

CGFTK-X0XCY-ZPE85 <---- if you can grab this steam free key before any one else its yours :P enjoy




bababooey free put saiko no sutoka



im pretty sure this game was free until it started getting popular

i think so, but not sure

The test version is free when it came out months ago

i know but i wanted the full version so yea

i swear im gonna beg my parents to let me get this-

Deleted 3 years ago

stop begging, its fucken annoying! if you cant spend 4 dollars on a well developed game just dont play the game. nobody gives you shite for free in life and its the same with developers who work hard

Habupein Saiko no Sutoka will be for playstation 4?

Muy buen juego


Habupain, What is the release date for Android 2.1.2 version of Saiko no Sutoka?

all that is needed is the Yangire and Yandere modes to have the introduction


I agree:O  I wish to know the story behind Yangire mode. 

Saiko No Sutoka is turning into a Resident Evil, this game is so good, I almost love it, I'm very curious about his story mode, Habupain has a very creative mind, this game is evolving a lot and I'm rooting for you and Saiko to do a lot success ahead.


How? This game is nothing like RE


tihs game so hardddd


Deleted 218 days ago

lol ur funny

Deleted 3 years ago

Стыдно должно быть за такую писанину. У здоровых людей наоборот будет грусть от того, что они не могут поддержать разработчика.

No Damage Yangire Mode v2.1.2

(1 edit)

i  thought that she a good girl but i was wrong

Erm, Habupain, I'm coming from the 2.1.2 on Steam and I constated a few things :

First, thanks for the new languages, however, for the French version, the short description in red text (that says there's a girl walking around and that you can only carry one thing at a time) that is written under the controls is in Portuguese, not in French. Idk if its a bug or just that you don't have the french translation for it, but I'm just letting you know.

Also, it seems the "Sonar-Saiko" problem from the early 2.0.0 is back.

She now seems to be able to spot you no matter if you're behind her, far away, crouching. Hell I've even been "seen" through walls (not walls with doors/windows, full complete walls) and even through the library's bookcases. None of those were the case before... It kinda raises the difficulty through the roof, if I'm honest, and not in a fun way.

Anyway, onto the great things, I love the school's extensions (makes it seems more like an actual school now) and I can't wait for the moment we'll be able to go to the roof.

Much love for this great game.

Also, I just recently heard about the false DMCA claim for the Steam version. I noticed when Steam proposed me to live an evaluation for the game but was returning an error when I tried to submit it. And since I bought it on Steam before the DMCA claim, I didn't noticed its disappearance from the store (as it didn't disappear from my game library).

My condolences. Those types of salty assholes that fill fake DMCAs are the worst...


May i know more about the steam live evaluation thing, please contact me on discord its probably steam is trying to ask players if i was false dmca thanks.

I'll explain here since I don't have Discord :

Basically, on Steam, once you've played a game you freshly bought for a bit (I think it's 2 or 3 hours; I currently have 3.5h on the Steam version of SNS), the platform will propose you to leave an evaluation (you know those messages with the blue thumb up or red thumb down you can see on a game's store page) to know what you think of the game and if you'd recommend it.

Right now, you can complete the message (and choose thumb up or down) but when trying to submit it, there's an error indicating "the product isn't available in your region", which is probably due to the store page of SNS not existing anymore, despite the game still being in the library of those who bought it before the false claims.

As for the "Sonar-Saiko", the best way I can explain this is that she always spots you even when she shouldn't or didn't before :

those are mainly when you're behind her, far away from her and/or crouching. In the previous build, you seemed to be able to evade her with those (principaly with the "being behind her" part), it's no longer possible in 2.1.2 where no matter where your position to her is, she will always spot you as if she had a spidey sense telling her you can see her. She still can't see you in lockers and the rooms under the stairs, tho, those still work.

The problem seems to be more prevalent in Normal, Hard and Yandere mode. I can't really tell if there's much change in Yangire mode, tho...

As for being seen through things and wall, that also wasn't in the previous build. I used to be able to use the bookcases of the library as cover, now she'll always stop me if I'm not in a locker in the library.

And for the "through-wall" problem it seem to mostly be affecting the breaker room, where she sometimes spotted me through the side walls : I hear the "Found You" voiceline and the music and she start sprinting at me in the room despite me being completly hidden by the breaker room's pillars. Again, she doesn't spot me in the lockers, which seem to still works.


Hello Drucy Thanks for your feedback yes we have fixed the missing text for the french language.

As for the sonar saiko bug i need to investigate more since i havent gotton such complain from any one else yet. but i will check to see whats going on so probably can expect a hotpatch today.


Just played the Yandere and Yangire modes. I am now scarred for life.

Will the game still be on sale, steam? Steam, I'll buy it


It will be back on 23rd April 2021. :)) 


Its already back! thanks to every one for supporting!

Awesome. :)) 

Habupain, in the next updates do you intend to add more graphics options in the settings in the game?

(2 edits)

You did a good job and I hope you stay safe 

how do i launch the game cuz idk how to on a laptop onley on the tapbletS

(3 edits) (+1)

After I played this game on steam a weeks a go, I think this game supposed to be released version. This game has a clear story, and well polished now, so I think this Is not alpha version anymore..


Well if you consider this game polished thanks for that ... but i do not consider this game is remotely close to being done since i am the dev i know what else is left and how much improvements can be made to this game

How soon will the game go from alpha to beta?


When i will feel the game is in good enough state i still feel alot is required to be edited specially in regards to saiko AI


this game is fekn awsome so far mate. good job.  =3

Can't WeChat pay or Alipay pay?

Deleted 3 years ago

I wonder what criticism are you talking about while trying to create fake accounts instead of facing the normal conversation. I never deleted the comment I had on the game's page. The game is not even mine. But that might be a surprise for someone who can't read the name of the developer assuming I am the one. 
My discord is Niven#0314 - if you want to talk like a rational person, otherwise you are just too scared and use the privileges of this site to promote hate and negativity. I will be waiting. 
Apologize to the developer for a spam comment.

Well wasn't this a terrifying experience... the blue kinda killed my eyes but i got used to it... and HOLY SHIT i didn't know she could do all the shit that she did... this makes it even more terrifying! :O


Saiko is cool and trendy! I personally saw that most YouTube players had standard views of 100 to 1000, but after playing this game, they were getting 10k to 100k or more! Mister Habupain - you are a miracle! We look forward to the return of SNS to Steam. Hello from Ukraine. :)

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