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This was a joy to play, I might play more in the future so I can beat it!

Dude just uploaded my Lets play and I love your game. Looking forward seeing more updates from ya.

Its A fantastic game i have won hard and easy:D and i had did  practice 

Just some advice to anybody who's playing. If she starts saying "hey, senpai." and, "Senpai, why would I ever let you leave?" look down, and once you've seen that, try to look at your shadow while still slowed down. If you get the opportunity, look through the camera in the registry room to see yourself as well while slowed down. Also, to those saying that she teleports behind you... nah. She's just fast as f*ck boiii. But once again, when she's behind you, check the cams and only turn slowly. Do NOT try to leave her behind by trickily shutting a door in her face, or sh*t gets real.

The easiest way to win it is to just not let her get behind you at all. If you quickly turn around and catch her running up to you, she'll either run back and go behind a corner and peek, or just start walking. She'll still run up to you even if you look at her if you made her mad af though.

the japanese sounds ... off

Yeah, I'm guessing because of translation, "let's enjoy!" is supposed to mean, "let's have some fun!" and other stuff like that.

The voice actress is a native speaker?


Finally, finally (I repeat myself a lot) I beat this. Man I had to focus so hard in order to beat this, and guess what I beat it with 90 health left. I went from constantly dying to one attempt almost perfect. This game is amazing, I can't wait for the next update I will be right there running hard again. Keep this up.

(1 edit)

My husband would be mad if I became her senpai... Not that I was tempted, cause she also killed me several times. 

How about adding an elevator (maybe with a camera inside) and gym locker room(s). haha


if this game will be in vr im gonna lose i

Juego muy interesante de terror, la waifu loca tiene varias mecanicas interesantes.

That girl is really crazy. :o

Old One.


I can't wait til this game is fully released. I feel like this game will really be something else once its fully made and put out. I like all the updates so far and OMG now there is lore??! That's crazy! I can't wait to see what's next!!

Oh and question, would it be possible to add a listening mechanic (like for headphone user)  so that you can hear where her voice is coming from. Sorry if its already a thing and I just missed it >.< 

Anyways keep up the good work!!

@habupain, do you have plans on expanding on the number of characters in the game, the lore as well as the narrative of the game?


I have plans to expand the lore and make it more detailed with multiple endings. as for the character i do have some what plans to make another yandere later after saiko is done.. the currently alpha 2.0 changes that i am doing are to the entire level the school layout and graphics are going to change as well as saiko AI will become different and split into 2 unique personality while in game.

(1 edit) (+1)

I can already see the many possibilities this will give you in terms of lore and gameplay. Two "saikos" would be an interesting spin to the story and I'm sure we'd all love to see what your plans are with this game.

Here's to wishing you all the best with this game: it's got promise and it keeps on delivering on it!

EDIT: Please let the other one be her twin... I don't know why, just sounds awesome...

للاندرويد Alpha 1.9 لماذا لاتجعلون

(32 edits) (+3)

Hello! I'm Nyaruko.
I'm here to provide some insight in terms of the game's title and other things that I think would be worth pointing out.
I hope that my advice will be useful in some way!

So, about the title...
I assume that the English title is supposed to be ”Psycho/Psychotic Stalker”, which in that case, the title should be Saiko no Sutookaa, because if you want to say Stalker in Japanese in Katakana, you prolong the ”o” and the ”a” to emphasize ”al” and ”er”. Sutoka does not mean anything.
The title in Japanese should look like this: ”サイコのストーカー”

Since seeing the title in romaji is a bit strange, I would recommend changing the title to ”サイコのストーカー”, and making the English title ”Psycho/Psychotic Stalker”, so that it both looks and sounds good when you see the name of the game in YouTube video titles and the sort, assuming that the majority of YouTube videos will be using the English title.

About the game's intro, the Japanese dialogue and voice acting itself could definitely use some work.
The dialogue from the stalker at the start is very barebones, and should be rewritten by someone that has a better understanding of the language. The dialogue has been written by someone that is lacking experience in Japanese, which is why many of the lines lack depth, and sound rather strange.
You are often repeating 「Anata ga」 and 「Watashi」 in your lines, which not only doesn't make the character sound natural at all, but it's lacking the intimidating nature that a stalker should have, using crude words to address somebody else.

The dialogue also drags on for way too long than it should, and it just leaves you rather bored listening to her constantly talking with barely any flow, which leaves you asking ”When will I get to play?”, rather than actually listening to what she's saying.

In terms of the voice actor, it's obvious that the voice lines have been recorded by someone that isn't and/or don't know Japanese.
The pronunciation isn't all that good most of the time, and the delivery in some of the lines could be much better.

I understand that you want to make the stalker creepy by making her talk in a soft and caring, yet intimidating voice, but it doesn't work when the stalker is talking this way the entire time and doesn't change pitch, build up or emphasize her lines just to show how much of a psycho she really is, which makes her very boring to listen to.

So to sum everything up...
-Change the title, which I heavily recommend
-Rewrite the dialogue, get a writer that understands how to properly express a character, since well written dialogue is very important in a horror game
-Make the voice acting better

I apologize if I sounded a bit blunt, but I very much hope that my advice helps.
I want you to know that I am writing this criticism for good intentions, and I want to see this game improve the more time and effort you put into it.

Good luck on developing this game, and thank you very much for reading!


I'm not the creator, but as an English speaker, I can tell you that "Psycho Stalker" would be a much worse title for the game. Its bland, generic,and doesn't describe the game beyond having a psychotic stalker which a lot of horror games have.  Saiko no Sutoka says this for people who get the pronunciation, but also says that the game has a Japanese influence of some sort. Also, you're not going to find anything else called Saiko no Sutoka or anything described as Saiko no Sutoka. Even if a player doesn't have rudimentary Japanese knowledge to know Saiko no Sutoka is romaji for Psycho Stalker, they'll at least note this game has a unique name. 

I more or less agree with everything else you said, but they don't really bug me enough to feel the game needs those changes. Personally, I felt like the intro was on the long side.


Thanks for your detailed feedback i highly appreciate what you just said. we would definitely going to improve the intro scene alot more and the voice lines.  as for the title name that might not be able to change now as its affixed to the game. but really appreciate all the detailed information you provided and i agree to all of them!

(4 edits) (+2)

Thank you very much! I'm very sorry if I made any mistakes in my English, I am still studying.

I just wanted to mention that Sutoka is the wrong way to type Stalker in Katakana, and should be written like Sutookaa, but it isn't that big of an issue.

I'm very happy that you read and understood what I said! I was scared that I was too blunt with my criticism, and that I didn't express myself properly.

Thank you very much for reading, and good luck on the game! I'm sure it's going to get far.

I had to replay your updated game. I already made a video on that version, however THIS UPDATE IS GREAT. however some things I don't understand. (the hide and seek game she played) This game is great and expect more videos on this game. keep at it my friend I love it and hate it at the same time haha. 

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it is really good right now but please make more than one ending with the finished product i would really like that

Por favor, adicionem uma versão para Windows 32 bits. Ficaremos agradecidos! 



Ok, I told my friend that I beat it on easy he said "easy" I took that as a challenge. Easy took two attempts, umm... normal took 2 hours. I prepped before this gameplay by reading through every dev log to see everything that has been added to the game. Even though I read and knew everything, there were still a few surprises throughout this. I feel like I'm getting pretty good at this now. Hard Mode soon to come.


I just beat normal. I'm going for hard next

(1 edit) (+1)



This game is absolutely amazing (but I'm a nerd so...). I love this AI. I started with Practice mode which surprised me with her jump scares just no damage. So I was playing casually until she took my key. Next my first attempt at (not)Easy Mode she would turn off the lights and when you would turn she would teleport behind you. The finally attempt omg where do I start, at one point I used the teacher's desk to juke her but late game I tried to do it and she jumped over the table and grabbed me. Not to mention the two jumpscares that made my skin bunch up because I was so focused at the time. Videos don't do this game justice, IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME, YOU MUST....

0:00 Intro
2:41 Practice Mode
11:05 (not)Easy Mode: Attempt 1
20:05 (not)Easy Mode: Attempt Final


i wish that we can talk and i wish it had choices to it if we wanna love her or notlove like stuff like that buti be so  scared xd because when she come behind me i scream so lud that my mom can hear me


i love that idea


IKR it will be so great

That is a great idea!!

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Not so sure about that.  The girl chases you on sight, so talking to her doesn’t really make sense

ok......-_- some people agree some dont


I agree with being able to interact with her in some way.

I think the "love" route should at least have certain objectives you'll need to perform (e.g. avoid trying to escape, look for her "confession" letters and notes around the school, help her deal with one of the survivors in the school, etc.), then you get the chance to "seduce her" once these conditions are met.

Could be the harder route because until you achieve those goals she'll try coming after you as though you are trying to escape and you might have to perform trickier tasks than escaping. 

I dunno, I'm thinking that maybe it should be the true path - would be an interesting twist on the narrative.


when I wrote sooth I meant that you spoke is true 
i'm brazilian, i use google translator to translate that i write
I apologize for anything

no its ok


I dont know why people dont like my idea but some do i think  that i should have not say that cause i feel dum for saying that

don't feel stupid
we are free to speak our opinion, you just cannot speak an opinion that has the purpose of insulting someone

Hey Taro thanks for suggesting us a great idea, some thing along the lines of that are already planned.

(1 edit)

En verdad queria jugar a este juego tiene el estilo de granny y juegos asi y me encanta, pero lo descargue 3 veces y siempre me dice que no se puede ejecutar. Porfa arreglen eso mi pc tiene  3 de ram 32 bits y W10 no se si el juego pide mas y por eso no lo abre la verdad no se . Dejenme los requisitos minimos Grax

Deleted post

maybe that's the point. (Of her 'not deciding' if she should chase your or not.) to me, see and chase seems overused, and this is a unique concept! I'm not saying your 'opinion' is wrong, but then again.. This is just a reply. You can just ignore me or not, however you want.

Deleted post

good idea right?

This is a sad day for this epic gamer 😥

btw great game was very entertaining to play 😁

I checked out hard mode this weekend for the latest version and damn! She worked me pretty good. Took a while to beat it but it was fun the whole time. She got stuck on a desk in my first attempt in this video. I left it in so you could see what happened. This game is amazing, man!

YYYEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS FINALLY BEAT IT.     By the absolute skin of my teeth.    Wobbled to the security room with only 10 health  left,  while she was on my tail.    Put the code in with her laughing behind ME.  Bro I loved this game

Video Coming Out later Today This one is a MUST WATCH....

PS. The video isn't going to be 40 min that's just the recording


Perfect update, but game really should be harder and/or have longer gameplay, and have some kind of jumpscare(s) made by Saiko. GIVE HER JUMPSCARE! 

+ pros/ - cons in my opinion:

+ she is smart and can be hard to outplay, which makes game more fun to play +

- she is smarter than me -

+ body parts jumpscares are making me aware and sensitive +

- sorry for my bad English -

+ she is so cute when asking for key <3 +

- I don't like how it begins. I don't mean intro, but after player turns on power, she knows where player is. That's FORCING me to wait in a locker at the very beginning, cuz I don't want to hug her (i'm gay) -

+ I didn't knew anime girls can be scary +

- game not playable, too scary -

+ neverending entertainment, because I can't beat hard mode +

- she MAY NOT lock player in school and kill, because that's ILLEGAL -

+ ^ fuck rules ^ +

The best horror game ever <3 (except Genshin Impact)


I like the Game, but I don't like that people are using this website as a hate blog for a different developer


The girl is giving me nightmares... (Good game tho)

im crushing on her lol yet still scared

I realy like the 1.9 because intresting how she try to not kil you some times hope in the next update maybe she will not kill you ive said maybe... i just hope.

scary! but sext!

really spooky

it's really fun. although i quited but i really liked it. hoping to see more updates and contents. what needs to be improved is AI and the difficulty system can be slightly a bit easier on all settings. and for the looks of character i suggest that you spend more time on shaders since this a cel shaded game. the vignette is a bit annoying but soon it'll fade. i think it would be better if you lowered the amount. some places had a really powerful bloom. this could use some work. overall i really enjoyed the game and i would love to see more updates!

I was wondering if there is any way to download an older version of the game, to see the changes and difference in difficulty?

Excelent game 

Gameplay comentado en español

wow dude  buen video

Yo so like, I was playing on easy (cuz I was trying to work my way up) and I found two of the keys, but couldn't find the other two. I looked literally everywhere- I opened every door and container I could find. I was literally going around in circles checking the same areas over and over again, and the keys were NOWHERE. I probably spent like 30 minutes to an hour just rechecking everywhere I had gone.

So my question is, is there somewhere I missed? Is there another container thingy that I can open that I didn't know about? Am I blind? Is there a game mechanic where she can move around keys and I just got super unlucky with it?  Was it some kind of bug, and they keys spawned in each other's rooms?

I don't know, but it was frustrating so I figured I should ask and let you know.

The keys can also spawn inside lockers

Yes, I know. Hence, "every container I could find"

They can also spawn in the library, computer room, and the meeting room.

Oh yeah and I think also in the cafeteria

I know.  That's why I said "I opened every door I could find". I checked everywhere multiple times. They never showed up.


I think you mightve confused the definition Yandere, they are mostly obsessed with someone, because they love them, and they are usually mentally unstable, that they would kill anyone who stands in their way, so they can be with the person they love

Yandere is a Psychopathic form which is what Saiko means in Japanese, so no I don't think he messed up. I think he was refering to how Yandere's are Psychotic, like the girl, so the name Psychotic Stalker (Saiko no Sutoka) was born

ممكن تحطون  ALPHA1.9 

played this game i love it actually scared my ass alot of time HAHAHA also the intro give me chills about this yandere girl 

(3 edits) (+1)(-1)

Revisiting the game for the last update so pros and cons are down below for the version 1.9 (after the game was hatpached)) Check out my vid here (at least the ending - it was so hilariously dreadful; and likes and subs are highly appreciated as well)):


1. INTRO!! It blew my mind, it was so cool and scary and explained a lot. I especially liked that it explained the boy in the locker! The girl seems now much more realistic and that scares even more!

2. Her new behaviours are so cool! I think that in the video I have checked out every new behaviour and I liked them all a lot! I think that overall she became much more fogiving then before. Sometimes she lets the player go or fake stab them or just plays around. The game finally felt perfectly balanced - like it's hard to beat because the girl is so unstable and unpredictable, but it's beatable because she just plays with the main character. It feels like if she would want to - she'd kill the main character already and that's the perfect feeling for this game I think.

3. I love classroom changes a lot! The desks in disorder actually add more to the experience then I'd expect. The school feels more real now - as if she was just chasing the main character and their friend around, knocked all the desks a bit and finally caught them. But she wants to play some more... So cool!

4. I love that now the player has to ability to interact directly with her - to play nice and give her the key or to make her maaad. At the same time, now that we have this ability, it feels like we have not enough choices to affect her mood, so I pointed this out in the disadvantages as well. Still, being able to affect her mood in such an obvious way is super cool! Amazing job!


1. When she hugs the player from behind and if the player tries to close the door on her then she starts levitating behind the player and that can be seen in the shadows. It's hilarious but I think it wasn't on purpose.

2. Her "hiding behind the desks" behaviour is cool but she can almost get stuck in it. Once in the classroom she was running from one desk to another hiding behind them over and over and over when I was moving. It looked hilarious. Maybe that was intentional but it gets very weird when it happens too much at the same place.

3. The notes at the start say different things when the player picks them up comparing to what can be read at first glance. Also, after the intro the whole starting area got a bit weird. There so many qustions: Why did she lock the door and leave us the key? Did she have a spare set of keys for the whole school? Why doesn't she lock other doors then (a possible idea for a new behaviour: make her lock the door and hide the key or even GIVE the player that key but with the possibility that the room is trapped. Or with 50/50% chance of a trap or a health kit)? Did she wrote us the notes in blood? I get  that she wants to play but she could just free us then. I mean, she is random and weird but it feels like something still lacks in this whole scenario. Maybe it would be cool to make her say somethin along the lines of "I'm gonna be back, so don't worry) But also I'm going to leave this key here in case you decide to play :) ". I think that the start requires some finishing touches like mentioned one.

4. Now that she's so smart it feels like she could make comments like "oh, you find your friend, next time I'm going to hide him better" upon finding the body or the head. Or if she sneaks and hugs she could move in another directions or make demands like "lets go for a walk" or "lets just stay and hug each other, won't you?". Though that's a very minor detail) 

5. It would be so cool if she'd have an anger meter. I mean, she already has one but it would be cool if there would be more ways to influence it. Like if you play by the rules and give her keys, she gives you more chances to escape instead of killing you. So, my point is, if the player has pissed her off, it would be nice if they could make something nice for her in order to make her chill again, like leave her a present or hug back when she catches the player. It would be so nice to have more ways to affect her mood!


You blew my mind! That update was incredible! 100/5! Such a great job! I literally was speechless when I launced the game! Nicely done, great job!)

Hope my feedback was useful!

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