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nice dude!

(1 edit) (+2)

Look a new ending? To get this ending only wait for her XD

Petition to make this an actual (secret) cutscene in the game. 

Because a scene better an ending where we marry her and cure that yandere personality and live happily ever after :)

Hey if anyone can drop by to show some support that would be greatly appreciated!

I looked everywhere but I did not find version or even 2.0.8 and now I found that there is already an alpha of

Because he is a beta tester, localizer or sponsor of Patriot 
Saiko no Sutoka

hahahaha heh why do you want that. u pervert xdxd. that skirt is good jsajsajsa. put saiko in the stairs and crouch to see his panties xd

saiko skirt is too long.     Can you make the skirt shorter


join our discord from the link 

hi when will launch alpha 2.0.8

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"


Work in progress. :) 

 cara nao acredito gamers nation   nossa  so seu fa tambem ja gravei a saiko no sutoka

Sim e confira os vídeos. :)

ei confira no meu videos pfv


i fix the problem. the game is x64 bits. i need change my bits to can play the game. now is working owo

I heard there is a new version that has yangire mode implemented in version 2.0.8, I've been seeing it all over youtube but I can't manage to find it


im pretty sure that version isnt out yet. those are test builds that these youtubers are playing i think

yes, that is the reason.

it is still under development. it's just those people who are participants in the patriot of this game ...

I've never been scared of a japanese girl like that before

i love the game!!! i love it. its a great game. im downloading now. i want support the patreon but later. i dnt have cash in my card. eh ah. i download the gam with .zip and that doesnt wordk now im download the .rar. my pc is a windows 8 pro

Well of course u don't have cash on ur card because u don't even have a card,cause judging from ur grammar and the"eh ah"u're still a teenager lol

heh. howzitgoin' buddy. please dont reply my msg for this. my natural language is spanish not english. so please. dont be rude with my grammar. thank you. see ya later kiddo. dont be a jerk with the people


I had no idea this game had multiple endings. lmaoo that caught me off gaurd! 




vai dar pra jogar o yandere mode nessa atualização?

Deleted 2 years ago

Oxe, tá né, n sei do que vc riu mas tá bom


I have a quick question. Is yandere mode going to be available in the 2.0.8 build?

REALLY FREAKY I really liked the creepy atmosphere in this one 


Dissatisfaction - v2.0.1 

In previous versions there was no teleportation system, in front of the player when he looks away or on his back, I noticed this because in both the hard or normal difficulty this happens, often repeatedly, being in my opinion unfair or boring, tired of trying so hard, and in the end discovering this unfair teleportation


I actually agreed. They made her so powerful and senpai got nerfed

There is no teleportation. She is just that fast and has sneak at 100.

She is definitely more difficult now though. The latest version's easy / normal (the former was renamed to the latter in a minor update) difficulty is way more difficult than the previous version's (Alpha 1.9) hard difficulty. 

Despite the previous versions, this one without comparisons was high, the previous ones I did not take as long as it was to try to make progress in this version, at least in the previous versions, I got to finish both difficultys, in this one i badly had progress in the normal way, I just criticize that, exaggeration in the difficulty of AI and if there is really no teleport, there at least cause the impression that there is teleport.

I still like the game a lot btw.


Mal posso esperar a atualização 2.0.8!!!


I like to ask when is coming new update 2.0.8


Couldn't even force myself to get out of the first room, this is my home now. I already named the plants.
Btw is there a chance I can help add Arabic as an extra language?

im very impressed becuase when she becomes passive again she holds on to you 

Easter Eggs da ultima versão e teorias da proxima atualização! Ansiosos?
(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

can you make sure this game playable on 32 bit operating system?

and make sure to update the mobile


choose one. mobile one that can be made but for 32 bit..i think most people use 64bit computer nowadays


(1 edit)

Here's a fast Yangire speedrun, if anyone wants to check it out..


(1 edit)

How you solved the storage room puzzle though-

How did you get it if it's not out yet? Is it given to patreon supporters?

Only bug testers have it so far

A problem with 2.0 is that most of the times I run up any of the stairs, I seem to get stuck, as in not able to move forward up the stairs. The only way to go up stairs is by walking or crouch walking, but never running for some reason.


For those who are struggling with this game i have some tips for you. (note these are thing that i've noticed but may or may not be a thing)

1: use windows: i don't think she will immediately see you through a window unless she's actively looking through it. use this to scope out the halls before you leave rooms.

2: Her little "gifts": sometimes when you're attacked and escape she will switch personalities and start saying "sorry" at which point if you stay near her she will offer you a healing item. my rule of thumb is only accept that once, after that you run the risk of it being poisoned.

3: Poison: you will not notice an effect right away, at some point you will see "i feel dizzy" on the screen. at that point hightail it to the starting room and grab the antidote on the desk. (i don't know what happens if you succumb to the poison)

4: The "nice" personality: after she gives you a healing item DO NOT LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT, she will be trying to get behind you and out of eyesight, if she succeeds, she will knock you out, drag you into a room, then lock the door. the key will always be in the room with you  but she will stand and wait outside the door.

5: put some damn shoes on: her favorite thing to do upon spotting you is but the windows on the rooms exit door. glass can be safely passed over if you're crouching, any thing else will hurt you. in one of the class room hallways there will be a pair of shoes you can grab that makes you immune to glass. (i highly recommend making these one of the first things you grab)

that about all i can think of at the moment but hopefully this lets you survive a little longer on your next run. Good  Luck.

yea but she wont kill you and if you let her out of your sight she just holds on to you. But she will knock you out and lock you in a room but she will open it for you and she will still be nice. For me she was nice untill i picked up the key from the sink, the first time she pushed me and then I picked the key up again then she became hostile and another time she bacame hostile was when i was trying to put the code in. But she will be friendly untill you try to escape. Also she loves turning off the lights after you turn them on lol.

I'm a wimp so I just go around looking for Saiko so I can get a health potion and Saiko won't stab me

I know about 3: there are three effects to gifts. All heal, but 2 out of 3 also provide a bad side effect after some time. The first one is poison. It slowly drains your HP until you die or take an antidote. The other possible side effect is falling asleep. I'm assuming that's what you got when it said "I feel dizzy". What happens if you don't take an antidote is that you fall asleep after some time and is, while sleeping, dragged to the spawn room. When you wake up, the door is locked and Saiko-chan is sitting in the chair, sleeping (she looks cute, try it out). When you pick up the key and unlock the door, she wakes up and starts chasing you.

A note about 5: The shoes don't always spawn in one of the classroom hallways. They also sometimes spawn next to the exit door.


Can I do the beta version first?
I want to upload to YouTube.


When can we play version 2.0.8? ;-;

how much and that will release alpha

Ícone "Verificada pela comunidade"

where is version 2.0.8??


It's not out yet. The people you see playing the v2.0.8 build are beta-testers.

Deleted 4 years ago

SAIKO NO SUTOKA / Horror Survival Yandere muito ASSUSTADOR (4K ) - YouTube


This game is really good! I love it and it is scary ngl! Its a very fun game and I didnt finish it yet, but it is soo good that I had to write a review for it. I love how she appears behind me whenever I enter a classroom even though  I looked behind me and she wasnt there.


I know there was a fan game of yandere sim here but I’d 100% love to see an official cross over where you can have both ayato and ayano each with their voice lines but them simply being selectionable characters. 

This game is GOOD. Legit way too good, I can’t wait to see the newer endings you’ll add. Everything about this is worth it. The AI keeps growing smarter and more intriguing. 

I have DID and I realized the main yandere is supposed to have it too. It’s interesting really. Though DID usually is more than one alter it’s played beautifully. You can see her struggle to hold the switching so her persecutor doesn’t hurt the senpai. Just amazing. 


Do you mean that you want Ayano and Ayato to both chase you?

No! To see them implemented as skins!! More skins would be badass!!

It feels like a lot of the time she's too intangible around corners, the main room's desk, etc.
When I get the exit key and I try to juke her around that table, she manages to slash or grab me when she's still behind the table and I'm in front of it. Likewise, around corners she'll simply walk through them as if they didn't exist at all.

she also tends to run at random speeds which makes no sense, sometimes i lose her and other times she chases me down a hall and I lose 5 hp no matter what...

also her breaking the glass windows is useless, crouching over it takes no time at all and she never catches up.

I also experienced her intangibility with corners, which is worse because even if you try to take tight turns around corners to get away she can turn even tighter by phasing through it.

(1 edit) (+2)

She pushed me to far. :(

the limits. :)

TOP game waiting for update!
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